Nearly $900,000 Going to New Trails and Enhancements for Affordable Outdoor Recreation: Guillemard
HEADINGLEY—Nearly $900,000 has been granted for recreational trail projects throughout the province following a first round of applications for the 2020-21 Trails Manitoba Grant Program, Conservation and Climate Minister Sarah Guillemard and Trails Manitoba announced today.
“Our government is committed to affordable outdoor recreational opportunities, which have become increasingly popular in recent times,” said Guillemard. “Outdoor recreation is important for maintaining physical and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and this investment will support the development and maintenance of new trails across our province.”
Trails Manitoba has selected the first projects approved under the program, which has been funded by the Manitoba government through the Manitoba Trails Improvement Endowment Fund and the Manitoba Trails Improvement Fund – Rural. These funds are part of an overall $10-million investment by the province in trails during the past year in partnership with Trails Manitoba and the Winnipeg Foundation, and they will generate revenue year after year to support the creation, maintenance and enhancement of recreational trails across Manitoba.
To help manage these funds, the Trails Grant for Manitoba and Trails Grant for Winnipeg have been created for the advancement of the recreational trail network.
“Trails Manitoba is excited by the geographic spread and variety in these projects funded through the Trails Grant for Manitoba program,” said Erik Dickson, president, Trails Manitoba. “These projects will develop new trails as well as enhance and maintain trails throughout the province, benefiting all Manitobans.”
The successful applicants for the Trails Grant for Manitoba cover 35 projects including new trails to be developed as well as enhancements and amenities for existing trails. Examples of projects and the support they are receiving are:
• Headingley Grand Trunk Trail Scenic Walking Trail, new trail system – $39,200;
• Brokenhead Interpretive Trail Loop, new trail study – $25,850;
• Grace Lake Boardwalk and Boreal Trail, new trail system – $75,000;
• Regional trail system connecting Stony Mountain to Stonewall, new trail system – $65,366; and
• Pinawa Trans Canada Trail bridge and tread renewal project, infrastructure enhancements – $23,080.
Successful recreational trail projects in Winnipeg will be announced at a later date, the minister noted, adding the Trails Manitoba Grant Program intake for 2021-22 is set to open in November.
More information and a full list of grant recipients can be found at www.trailsmanitoba.ca/grants/.